Infrared Electric Fireplace Logs

About Infrared Electric Fireplace Logs

Infrared electric fireplace logs not only look like a wood-burning fireplace but also feel like one with their integrated quartz infrared heater. Capable of producing up to 5,000 BTUs of supplemental heat, you'll be able to warm areas as large as 1,000 square feet. That’s more than enough heat to help keep the damp chill of winter at bay. Browse our collection of electric log fireplaces to find the perfect option for your home.

Do Infrared Fireplaces Use a Lot of Electricity?

Infrared electric fireplace logs are incredibly efficient. Many have different heat output settings, so electricity usage varies. Used on a low setting, infrared systems typically cost less than $10 a month to run. Used without the heat, the unit costs about $0.50 per month to operate.

What Is the Difference Between an Electric Fireplace and an Infrared Fireplace?

Traditional electric fireplaces use a fan to force air over electrically heated coils or elements. They can take time to get heated up enough to produce higher levels of warmth. Infrared units, on the other hand, use radiant heat rather than heated air to warm a space. In other words, objects get heated rather than the air—much like how the sun warms surfaces. Infrared technology heats instantly and doesn’t require any warm-up time.